
My Very First Blog as VA

I finally able to start. It's already been a month since I first listen to the Online VA Seminar conducted by Mr. Jomar Hilario, a very good Internet Marketer and VA Trainer. I’m so excited in doing this VA thing as the Seminar showcases many new software programs and websites that are new to me. I really want to learn new things as I feel that I’m very stagnant with regards to improving my skills since I start working in the corporate world. And there's too much to learn on these area.

These are some of the tools that I learn this month: Audacity, PodOmatic, Windows Movie Maker, Evernote, Google Docs. I still need to learn other software. Maybe I’ll try those software related to audio as I am very fond of manipulating Audio files. 

Hey I do some tutorials for them also so watch out for them in my next posts.

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