
My First Tutorial - Audacity

Yes! I'm finally able to post my first tutorial. This tutorial is for Audacity program. Audacity is an open source software for recording and editing sounds.

I really love this software as I like mixing and manipulating my mp3 files especially those I want as the ringing tone of my phone. I usually mixed songs that I love and save them as my ringing tone. Sometimes I just want the middle part of the song so I just edit the mp3 file in Audacity and I have the part that I want and set how long this part will be. Awesome! I really enjoy manipulating music.

Here's my tutorial on how to mix music in Audacity as I really have fun doing it. Hope you enjoy it and also be able to manipulate your audio files after checking this out.
How to Mix Music in Audacity

Here also is one of the music I have fun manipulating in Audacity. As I really like Taylor Swift's song, I make a mix of some of her music. The songs I included in these mix are: A Perfectly Good Heart, Breathe, Invisible and You're Not Sorry. Just click the play button to listen.

I hope you enjoy my first tutorial. Please watch out for more!

Awesome! I Really Like Tests

Yap. You read it right! I'm very excited taking this tests from Brainbench and Odesk. I take all the exams that I think I have knowledge even how small it is and voilĂ ! I PASSED! Awesome! I already think that I am invincible. It's a nice feeling. I'm just happy that I passed. Even if I didn't make it to the top 10 or top 20, I feel really good. I really enjoy doing this tests.

One of the test I take that really makes me pleased with myself is the Mechanical IQ Test from Odesk.I think I am not good in this mechanical thing but when I passed the test from Odesk, I am having a second thought about that. Maybe I am good in this mechanical thing after all. 

Another test that I really feel proud that I passed is the Social Media Marketing Test also from Odesk. I just try to take it and analyze the questions and I ALSO passed. And would you believe that I make it on the TOP 20. I'm so happy!

I really discover some hidden knowledge I have by taking this VA Training seriously. I'm excited to discover more as I continue in my Training as a VA.

My Very First Blog as VA

I finally able to start. It's already been a month since I first listen to the Online VA Seminar conducted by Mr. Jomar Hilario, a very good Internet Marketer and VA Trainer. I’m so excited in doing this VA thing as the Seminar showcases many new software programs and websites that are new to me. I really want to learn new things as I feel that I’m very stagnant with regards to improving my skills since I start working in the corporate world. And there's too much to learn on these area.

These are some of the tools that I learn this month: Audacity, PodOmatic, Windows Movie Maker, Evernote, Google Docs. I still need to learn other software. Maybe I’ll try those software related to audio as I am very fond of manipulating Audio files. 

Hey I do some tutorials for them also so watch out for them in my next posts.